Tiny but Life Changing

“12 Tiny Things: Simple Ways to Live a More Intentional Life”
A Book Review by Joy Studer

Micro spiritual practices have changed my entire approach to each day, which are now set with intention in seeing the “glimmers” in my days.  Inspired by the work of Heidi Barr and Ellie Roscher, co-authors of 12 Tiny Things: Simple Ways to Live a More Intentional Life, I have implemented micro spiritual practices that have the power to change my entire day, and yours! This book is a gift in leading a more intentional and rooted life in ways that are so tiny, so simple, that they can fit into anyone's day.

12 Tiny Things is written in a way that you can read the entire book in one sitting or easily take each chapter and practice that tiny thing for days, weeks, or even months before moving to the next chapter. This is a beautiful book to read alone or with a group to dive into discussion about what tiny practice works best for others.

Every night after we have tucked our kids into bed, my husband and I meet on the couch with a couple of cups of peppermint tea. This is something we started in college years and have maintained for almost two decades (yikes). While we are holding our cups of tea we are not scrolling our phones, not working on our laptops, we are being present with each other and taking the time for a check-in. How’s the week going? What’s coming up? What’s on your mind? What did the kids do today? This can take just a couple of minutes if we’ve been together all day, or it can take over an hour when we have so much to catch up on. I look forward to this time together every day. This started as a tiny thing. A cup of tea together. What it grew into was this incredible strengthening in our relationship and a pretty big thing for us both. 

Don’t underestimate this book's title, these might be tiny things to fit in your busy lives, but they are life-changing. Ellie says, “I am in the business of the smallest, simplest, tiniest things, when done consistently can make the biggest changes.” This is a tiny book that is jam-packed with powerful and thought provoking ideas. 

Everyday Godly Play just released their second podcast on this book! Tune in for a conversation with author of 12 Tiny Things, Ellie Roscher where we dive into the hopes and worries parents and caregivers experience with the start of another year.

Explore what it might mean to begin 2024 with moments that grow into habits that transform into rituals. From holding a cup of coffee to appreciating the sky, we can't wait to implement these simple yet meaningful practices in our own households.

Find Mess Makes Meaning on any podcast platform. We hope you will check it out and share with your friends and family! Order your copy of 12 Tiny Things today!


The Gift of Myrrh


Invitation: Trauma-informed Children's Ministry Workshop and Book Study