Invitation: Trauma-informed Children's Ministry Workshop and Book Study

Join us for a transformative workshop on "Trauma-Informed Children's Ministry:
A Practical Guide to Reaching Hurting Kids.”

This engaging webinar is the result of a decade's worth of groundbreaking research in the field of children's ministry science. Gain unique perspectives from Dr. Robert Crosby, Lori Crosby, and Pastor Kayla Smith, leaders of the Reach Hurting Kids Institute

This workshop is designed for Godly Players like you! We will discuss how these studies impact your practices and how to create safe and nurturing spaces for children to thrive.

Secure your spot today and embark on a journey toward becoming a more informed and compassionate Godly Player. Don't miss this unique opportunity to learn from experts who have dedicated their lives to understanding and supporting hurting children.

This workshop will be facilitated by Lori Crosby, a licensed marriage and family therapist and Registered Play Therapist Supervisor, Dr. Robert Crosby, Professor of Psychology at California Baptist University and Executive Director of Reach Hurting Kids, and Rev. Kayla Smith a Godly Player of three years and an adjunct professor at Trevecca Nazarene University.

To learn more about our facilitators and to sign up for FREE click HERE!

Date:  October 2, 2023
Time:  7–8:30pm (EST)

We invite you to go deeper on this topic and join us for a four-week online book study!

Together we will explore the key concepts and insights presented in the book, "Trauma-Informed Children's Ministry" authored by Dr. Robert G. Crosby and Lori A. Crosby. Come gain a greater understanding of trauma-informed practices and engage in meaningful discussions to enhance your knowledge and skills in providing support and care to children.

You can read more about the course objectives and register for FREE by clicking HERE!

Book Study Dates:

Thursdays in October, 2-3pm (EST)
October 5, 12, 19, & 26

This webinar and book study are a part of the Everyday Godly Play (EGP) initiative. The EGP project invites us to move beyond the walls of the church into the home, supporting parents and caregivers with resources to nurture their children’s spirituality through wonder, narrative, rhythm, and play. To learn more and get involved, click HERE.  


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